Minyan HaMakor, founded and led by rabbi Hannah Nathans, holds monthly services and Shabbath celebrations. Our aspiration is services which are spiritually inspired and uplifting. In our meetings we have a service, we enjoy a potluck meal in the spirit of shabbath, and we study a text with a spiritual perspective, or practice a Jewish spiritual practice. We sing a lot. We meet in the centre of the country.
Minyan HaMakor is a Jewish Renewal minyan. Jewish Renewal wants to renew spirituality in Judaism, and receives her inspiration from the Jewish mystical and Chassidic tradition. The great inspirator was and is rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi, may his memory be a blessing. His legacy is described in many books.
Our services may have different forms. Our heart warming Jewish liturgy with all its age old wisdom is leading. Within that structure we use traditional practices like davening, meditation and chant. In a service we want to open our heart, quiet our mind, and make space to hear the voice of the Divine in us. We strive to renew and transform continually: chadesh jamenu kekedem, renew our says as of old. Most important is renewing our kavana, the intention with which we pray and sing. Studying Chassidic and Kabbalistic sources is part of our practice.
Jewish Renewal fosters a personal relationship with the Divine, at the same time acknowledging Its universal character, as summarized in the Chassidic principles Ein od milevado, there is nothing but G’d, leit atar panoei mine, there is no place without G’d, and Melo kol ha-aretz kevodo, the whole world is filled with G’ds glory.
Jewish Renewal is not a denomination. Participants come from all Jewish denominations and also non-affiliated Jews participate. Common denominator is the longing to experience and develop spirituality in Judaism, and to make it part of all of our life. Everybody with a Jewish background, with his/her partner, if any, is welcome, and also those who are seriously examining if spiritual Judaism is the path of their soul. Others are very welcome as our guest on an incidental basis. Jewish Renewal is completely egalitarian.
Minyan HaMakor is affiliated with Aleph Network, the world wide organisation of Jewish Renewal.
We meet in the centre of the Netherlands. We don’t have a building. Our services take place at different locations. We don’t publicize locations in public media. When you register for a service, you receive the information about the location of that service.